Oil mill

Oil mill


Control in the oil mill is essential for the production of high quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

We do not exceed a temperature of 20ºC so that all the flavors and aromas remain in our EVOO.

The scrupulous cleaning of all the oil mill areas is equally important in order to avoid any trace that could damage the quality of the EVOO we produce.

Oil mill

We work the fruit

Choosing the right day to harvest, picking the fruit in the early hours of the morning and taking it quickly to the mill allows the olives to retain all their organoleptic characteristics.

Oil mill

Oil extraction

Another fundamental characteristic of the elaboration of our Extra Virgin Olive Oils is the cold extraction at no more than 20º to preserve all its aromas and flavors.

Oil mill

Oil bottling

Once our EVOO is elaborated, it is bottled as soon as possible and carefully to preserve all its features and characteristics. We use first quality bottles, opaque to preserve from the sun and with an avant-garde design.

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